Navigating Trump’s Appointments, Treasury Goals, and the Long-Term Bond Market
Season 5, Episode 6: Welcome back to Keeping it Real with Dr. Kuehl! Chris talks about updates with all the changes that are happening so fast in the economy now.
ASA Chief Economist Dr. Chris Kuehl is back with a special economic update podcast. In Season 5, Episode 6 (8:16 in length), Dr. Kuehl talks to members about the latest changes in the economy.
- Trump is putting independent people in charge, what are everyone’s goals?
- Treasury department goals… what is happening? Will these govern the department no matter what?
- Getting control of the long-term bond market, why is this important to ASA members?
- Residential housing controlled by interest rates – why does this relate to the long-term bond market?
- High yields, high mortgages, what changes will we see?
- Why have the yields gone up so dramatically?
- How can we get the yields down in the U.S.?
- Are treasury bonds still in demand?
- Banking sector slowed down, what activity will we see from the treasury department?
- Doug Bergum – why should ASA members keep interest on him?
- Pay attention to who is in charge of what… will this be a good things?
Ask Dr. Kuehl a Question
Have a question or topic for Chris Kuehl that you would like answered on this podcast? Email it to Bri Baresel at