Episode 4

Published on:

2nd Feb 2024

The Unknown of the Economy, One Step Forward, Two Steps Back.

Season 4, Episode 4: Welcome back to Keeping it Real with Dr. Kuehl. This week Dr. Kuehl talks about the issue of how inaccurate economists can be when it comes to the economy. The big question is: Why??

ASA Chief Economist Dr. Chris Kuehl is back with his weekly economic update podcast. In Season 4, Episode 4 (8:31 in length), Dr. Kuehl talks about the big why on the inaccuracy when it comes to economists forecasting the economy.     

  • What were economists getting wrong in 2023?
  • Why are the expectations so different than the outcome?     
  • Why do we see economic data in a negative position, but we always seem to escape it?
  • How is the economy reacting??   
  • Rerouting due to the Red Sea… what does this have to do with the automotive sector?? 
  • Labor supply issues… a chronic issue, but no action to deal with it?
  • How do we keep these issues from reoccurring each year?
  • How do we become more preventative? Why is this challenging for our industry?
  • What will happen to the economy with new congress & political figures this year?
  • Is there still enough health in the economy to continue to grow?

Ask Dr. Kuehl a Question

Have a question or topic for Chris Kuehl that you would like answered on this podcast? Email it to Bri Baresel at bbaresel@asa.net.

Show artwork for Keeping it Real Podcast with Dr. Kuehl

About the Podcast

Keeping it Real Podcast with Dr. Kuehl
PHCP-PVF economic updates in less than 10 minutes.
A weekly podcast, “Keeping it Real with Dr. Kuehl,” debut in July 2020. In these podcasts, ASA Chief Economist, Dr. Chris Kuehl, provides a brief 5-10 minute economic update on areas of keen interest to ASA members, including industrial PVF commodities.